Boat Restoration
Restoring older boats and yachts is a labor of love for the marine craftsman. There’s just something about breathing new life and vitality back into an old vessel that seems to bring as much satisfaction to the craftsman as it does to the boat owner. Are you thinking of restoring your older boat or yacht? Let us have a look at the project and give you a proper evaluation.
Boat Repair
Exposure to the elements will demand repairs on even the most high quality boats. Moisture has a way of getting into places where it does not belong and once there it can cause mold, mildew, rot and wreak havoc on your boat. At Big Ocean Marine, you can rely on a high level of experience to address minor and major repairs. We specialize in carpentry work that addresses:
Repairing Bulkheads, Stringers, and Transoms
Structural repairs can be difficult in both wooden and fiberglass boats and yachts. The area in need of repair may not be easily accessible, and a poor repair job can have an adverse effect on your boat’s structural strength and seaworthiness. At Big Ocean Marine we are experts in boat construction and repair.
Leak Investigation and Resealing
Leaks can be notoriously difficult to track down and repair. Water has a tendency to travel, and the spot where the moisture lands is likely not the same as its point of entry into the boat. In addition to the difficulties of locating the leak, repairing it also isn’t often as easy as it may sound. In the meantime, as long as the leak is allowed to continue, you risk increasing the damage to your boat. Think you may have a leak? Give Big Ocean Marine a call. We’ll track it down, expertly repair and reseal the breach, and get you back in business in no time.
Mold, Mildew, and Waterlogged Foam Repairs
Once a leak has found its way in, mold, mildew, and rot are often the unfortunate results left behind. When repairing these areas, you can’t afford to take half-measures. We’ll cut out all of the rotted boards and pieces, patch it to make sure its absolutely dry and watertight, and also make sure there’s no mold or mildew left to cause further problems down the road. We also can also determine if your foam is waterlogged, the source of the problem, and then drain, dry, remove, and repair.
In addition to boat repairs and restoration, Big Ocean Marine also does yacht woodworking and custom fabrication, boat interior updates and modernization, and yacht maintenance.
Need repairs or thinking about restoring your boat?
For more information please contact Big Ocean Marine.